Why It's Important to Check Your Meds

As we progress through our lives, we often develop a routine that becomes second nature. With advanced age, many of us require additional prescriptions and medications which are important to take correctly. Although it can seem like a simple task to plan our medication routine, individuals of any age may struggle to maintain that routine over time. Particularly when we are engaging in something new or have a change of plan which alters our normal routine, it can be easy to forget about taking medication.

It is so important that individuals take their prescribed medication as their doctor or healthcare professional has instructed. Specifically, it is important that we observe National Check Your Meds Day as a simple, mindful practice of managing our routine in the most effective way. 


What is National Check Your Meds Day?

We observe National Check Your Meds Day on October 21. On and around this day, participants will take the time to review any prescribed medication and supplements they take on a regular basis or have been recommended to take on a schedule. Individuals can use this opportunity to meet with a pharmacist who observes this day in order to gain assistance in reviewing any medications used. Pharmacists can help by identifying outdated prescriptions or usage and dosage recommendations. It is simply a mindful act to stop and take a look at what goes into your body with a professional. 

For those who provide care for a loved one or elderly individual, this day is a great way to take an inventory of the current medication and usage recommendations and discuss the routine with doctors or pharmacists. They may have new recommendations as to how the medication may be best absorbed or whether there is an optimal time to take certain medications. 

Getting Organized

Sometimes our daily regiment of supplements or medications grows over time. It may be beneficial for some individuals to look at new organizational systems to help them better maintain their routines. The use of pill organizers is a great way to manage daily medications or supplements. Certain prescriptions may have a less consecutive dosage, with medication that is taken every week or every other day. It can be difficult to remember which day you last took your medicine if you don’t have a tracking system in place. Designating a day of the week when you prepare the upcoming week’s medications is a great way to ensure you stay organized and keep on track. 

Tracking Systems

Some individuals find it helpful to use a calendar or habit tracker to aid in maintaining their schedule and remain consistent over time. The use of habit trackers also provides a record of past usage in case an individual is unable to remember whether they kept to a schedule. 

Alerts & Device Notifications

As many of us are now accustomed to carrying a smartphone with us wherever we go, it can be easy to manage medication through your device. Simply setting alarms at the times of day you are supposed to take your medication can help you from becoming distracted and taking your medication later than you should. There are also many different apps that are designed to help individuals set up and maintain a medication schedule

Check-In With Your Doctor

Another important aspect of National Check Your Meds Day relates to how your medication is affecting you. It is so critical that you maintain regular check-ups with your doctor and discuss changes in the effects of your medication if any. Sometimes side effects from certain medications can grow over time, and it is imperative that your healthcare professionals are alerted to such changes. They may recommend changes in medication altogether or simply change the dosage of your prescription. In addition, some individuals find that they no longer require the use of some medication because of reduced symptoms of ailments. It is best to refer to your doctor in any case and follow their recommendations, as they can identify medications that are no longer needed. Other individuals may experience lesser effectiveness from their medication over time, so it is helpful to discuss any changes with your doctor and regularly check in on your medication. 

For individuals managing their own medication regiment or those providing care, take the necessary steps to regularly check your medication list with a pharmacist or your healthcare provider. Many of us continue through our routine without taking the time to review, including our doctors, pharmacists, and healthcare providers. National Check Your Meds Day provides us with the perfect opportunity to be mindful of our medication. 

If you or someone you love regularly manages a regiment of medication, make an appointment with your local pharmacist participating in National Check Your Meds Day. It is easy to visit a pharmacy in your neighborhood and take a few minutes to ensure you are living your healthiest life. Before your visit, be sure to collect all of the necessary information regarding your prescriptions, supplements, or any over-the-counter medicine that is taken. Be sure to bring your schedule or method of tracking and organizing with you, as they may have recommendations after seeing how you currently manage your routine. 

Looking for additional resources? Our therapist-recommended activities provide great opportunities for individuals to check in on their health and well-being through mindful practices and fun activities that can be done at home. 

Related Resources:

Creating Routines: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/creating-routines

Goal Setting: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/goal-setting

Mindful Breathing with Shapes: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/therapy-tune-up-mindful-breathing-with-shapes

Body Scan Meditation: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/therapy-tune-up-body-scan-meditation

How Can Occupational Therapy Help You?: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/how-can-occupational-therapy-help-you 

Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/alzheimers-and-brain-awareness 

Additional Resources:






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