Therapy Policies
Medicaid Policies
According to Medicaid, a patient is allowed to receive different types of therapy (OT, PT, ST) at the same time, however, you can only use one therapist per type. If you choose to see a different therapist for the type of therapy you are receiving at our office, that is a misuse of your Medicaid benefits. We will report that to Medicaid and you may lose all of your Medicaid benefits. If you are switching from a different therapist to our office, we will give you a "Therapy Change Form" that must be signed by the previous therapist. This includes private therapy & any special programs (including early intervention).
If you decide to apply for Medicaid we must be notified immediately and your therapy may be temporarily put on hold until the process is complete. If a patient switches to different Medicaid, they must notify Tilton’s Therapy immediately to obtain a new authorization.
If you have private insurance that we are not an in-network provider for, Medicaid as secondary insurance will not cover your services. It is important that you understand you will be held responsible for dates of service not covered by Medicaid. If you have a letter issued by your primary insurance stating that they do not cover this type of service, we may be able to get a coverage determination from Medicaid beforehand.
Cancellation Policy
Tilton’s Therapy is committed to providing quality mobile therapy services to facilitate progression towards your goals. If an appointment is canceled without sufficient notification, it prevents another patient from being treated. Please contact your therapist directly to cancel appointments with 24-hour notice. A cancellation made within 2 hours of the appointment time will be considered a no-show/ missed appointment. If there are 3 missed appointments within a 30 day period, or 2 consecutively missed appointments, a therapy hold or discharge from services will be initiated. If something unforeseen arises, please communicate openly with your therapist on the circumstances regarding the missed visit. This cancellation policy is subject to therapist discretion.
Waitlist Policy
If you would like your referral to be submitted and added to the waitlist, you can continue to complete and submit the Patient Registration Form. We will process it to the best of our ability. If a patient is in need of multiple therapy services, we will attempt to initiate with another discipline to the best of our ability and update you on the status of our waitlist.
Assignment & Release
The information stated above, to the best of my knowledge, is correct and complete. I authorize Tilton's Therapy and/or their billing service to bill my insurance for any/all services rendered on the person listed above. I also allow my insurance to send payments directly to Tilton's Therapy. I understand that I am responsible for any co-payments and/or deductibles not covered by my insurance. I understand that I must notify Tilton's Therapy immediately if there are changes to my insurance and/or policy number. If for any reason a collection agency is required to collect outstanding funds, I understand that I am responsible for collection fees as well. I authorize Tilton's Therapy to release all necessary information to my insurance company. The below signature releases any/all medical records past or present to Tilton's Therapy from other providers. In accordance with NRS § 629.051, I understand all medical records on the above patient may be destroyed after their 23rd birthday. By signing below I am stating that I have no question regarding this section.
Communication Attempts
Tilton’s Therapy is committed to providing quality mobile therapy services in a timely manner, to the best of our ability. Please provide a comprehensive list and the best forms of communication for our therapists to reach you on the Patient Registration Form. This will allow for smooth initiation of therapy services. Please note that after 3 failed attempts without reciprocal communication returned in a 7 day period, the patient information will be archived to allow room for other patients to be treated.
Therapy Hold Policy
It is the intent of Tilton’s Therapy to provide quality private therapy services for our clients. We understand that unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances sometimes arise and, to the best of our ability, we will try to accommodate these events. It is Tilton’s Therapy policy that a client can go on a therapy hold for 2 weeks surrounding these events (ie. Hospitalization, change of location, change of placement, etc.). After two weeks, it will be the guardian/ parent’s responsibility to contact Tilton’s Therapy office directly to reinstate therapy services. To the best of our ability, we will work to lower the wait-time; however, this can not be guaranteed, as our therapists may have begun services with a new client. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Communication With Your Therapist
Contact Tilton's Therapy with any questions or to learn more about the services we provide to families in your area. Please note that therapists perform services at a variety of hours and should be contacted directly.