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Seeds of Self-Care Card Pack
These tasks encourage mindfulness, creativity, self-care, and light physical activity, making it easier for individuals to integrate moments of well-being into their daily routines. Each task can be done in just a few minutes, helping reduce stress and promote a positive mindset!
Life Skills Morning Worksheet
For individuals with special needs, practicing life skills can develop further with regular engagement. In the morning, there are a few items that can be worked into your routine to help reinforce some of these important life skills.
Sleep Tracker Worksheet
Keeping track of how well you sleep can help you better understand your overall sleep hygiene and health. Forming habits around your sleep routine starts with being proactive and mindful about it! Take action with our sleep tracker worksheet.
Nutrition Label Worksheet
Have you taken a look at a nutrition facts label lately? Over time, the label has changed according to guidelines from the FDA. For instance, today, most Americans get the vitamin A and vitamin C they need through a typical diet.
Stress-Fighting Foods
Did you know that what you eat can have an effect on your stress level? It is important to keep your body balanced in many ways, including managing the stress hormones in your body.
Epilepsy Trigger Prevention
Prevention is often the best way to manage symptoms that are not treated with alternative methods such as medication. For individuals with epilepsy, being mindful of the triggers that might cause a seizure or episode can help prevent or reduce them significantly.
Proprioception Activity Cards
Adults with Multiple Sclerosis can benefit from engaging in activities which involve proprioception, which is your awareness of your body and range of movement. It is important to bring awareness to each part of your body to help the brain “feel” the connection.
Therapy Tune-Up: Body Scan Meditation
Find links between physical and emotional pain, decrease stress, anxiety, or pain, and sleep better with this simple meditation to scan your body each day. Use the habit tracker to keep track of your progress each day you meditate.
Therapy Tune-Up: Board Games & Card Games
Did you know playing board games and card games can aid in stress relief? Start game night at home to work on skills like memory, processing, socialization, cognitive skills, fine motor skills, and benefit from stress reduction while playing.
Memory Digit Puzzler
This takes a spin on the classic memory card game. The game involves matching digit cards (1-9) with corresponding object cards that represent the number (e.g., a card with four apples corresponds to the digit card 4).
Therapy Tune-Up: Mindful Breathing with Shapes
Practice mindful breathing with shapes! Promote inner peace and reach the “rest and digest” mode with these therapist recommended breathing practices. Simply follow the patterns detailed on the shapes to start your practice.
National Nutrition Month
During the month of March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics invites everyone to learn about nutrition for National Nutrition Month. There is so much to learn about our body chemistry and nutrition, and every person is unique. This month, we can all engage in finding more information to help us make the best choices we can for our health.
Healthy Eye Tips
How important is your vision to you? Chances are, most individuals place high value on their vision and would aim to keep their vision healthy for as long as possible. As we age, our eyes can begin to degrade or fail in different ways.
Colorectal Cancer Awareness
Although typically affecting adults, colon cancer can occur at any age. The large intestine is the last portion of the digestive tract, called the colon. Cancer can form in the colon for a number of reasons and it is the second most common cause of death from cancer that occurs in both men and women.
National Kidney Month
During the month of March, organizations aim to raise awareness about conditions that affect the kidneys such as chronic kidney disease. There are many ways to manage kidney disease which can help lessen the severity of the disease over time, as this is a progressive condition.
Sleep Awareness
With less than 40% of adults in the United States receiving less than seven hours of sleep each night, it is safe to assume this is an area almost half of us could improve upon in our lives (Gallup).
Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness
A disease called multiple sclerosis (MS) affects the central nervous system which is comprised of your brain and spinal cord. MS can be a slow progression of disability due to damage to the nerves in your brain or spinal cord. Nerves are protected by myelin, which forms a sheath around their fibers. MS creates an immune response and targets these protective coverings on the nerves.
Epilepsy Awareness
Epilepsy affects more than 65,000,000 people around the world annually. As the 4th most common neurological disorder, it is estimated that roughly 1 in 26 people will be diagnosed in their lifetime.
5 Hearts Logic Puzzle
In this Valentine’s-themed game, participants must solve a puzzle where they use logic and reasoning to arrange or categorize a series of heart-shaped pieces based on clues.
Love Letters Language Therapy
This activity is designed to engage adults in a therapeutic and fun language exercise. The activity involves writing a love letter – or many letters for all of those you love, perfect for the month of February!