Therapist Feature: Erin Carder-McCoy, MSOTR/L

This month, we are highlighting one of our amazing OTs: Erin Carder-McCoy. Erin is a mental health occupational therapist who has worked with both adults and TAY (Transitional Aged Youth) populations since 2017. A graduate from San Jose State University, her first position as a new OT involved working with clients ages 14-25 years old. Erin worked with individuals with various mental health disorders ranging from agoraphobia to schizophrenia to bipolar disorder to depression. Therapeutic intervention through occupational therapy included creating each treatment plan as unique as the individual with whom Erin was working. Some interventions included (but were certainly not limited to) things like public transit training, hiking, arts and crafts, returning to or starting college, exploring sexuality, going to job interviews, managing auditory hallucinations, identifying and altering communication styles and much more.


During the past year, Erin worked for the Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services with an adult population largely diagnosed with schizophrenia. She partnered with a local LCSW and Hearing Voices Network facilitator to create a safe space for clients experiencing voice hearing, visions, and other unusual or extreme experiences. During this time Erin also completed training and certification as an Anxiety Rehabilitation Services Provider (A-RSP).

Erin gives back to her profession through continuous education to fine-tune her practice, presents and conferences, participates in panels, and is active in multiple OT-based organizations. She serves as an active member of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), the Nevada Occupational Therapy Association (NOTA), the Holistic Occupational Therapy Community (HOT), and the World Federation of Occupational Therapists(WFOT).

Born and raised just outside of Washington, DC, Erin made her way to the west coast after attending her undergraduate at VA Tech. She lived in San Francisco and the Bay area for over 22 years before moving to Las Vegas. During her time in California Erin previously served as an active member of the Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC) and the Psychiatric Occupational Therapy Action Coalition of California (POTAC). With the OTAC, Erin served as a representative with the California Coalition for Mental Health (CCMH). Her work also led to serving on the Council on Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health (CCJBH), as well as consulting at the California Association of Social Rehabilitation Agencies (CASRA).

In 2019, Erin has the honor to sit on a panel at the OT in Mental Health Symposium hosted by OTAC. In addition to her support of these organizations, Erin completed numerous trainings in mental health including: Telehealth and CBT for Psychosis, Telehealth and Suicide Care, Intro to Trauma Informed Care, Trauma Recovery and Positive Identity Development, Trauma and Stressors Related to Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Trauma for Youth Workers, Trauma Healing with Bessel Van Der Kolk, iPads Interventions for Occupational Therapists, Introduction to EFT, Introduction to Biofeedback, Motivational Interviewing, Providing Inclusive Services and Care for the LGBT Community, CBT for Psychosis, and multiple Mindfulness trainings, including Mindfulness for Psychosis.


Before embarking on her career in mental health and occupational therapy, Erin worked as a kindergarten teacher for nine years. In her spare time, she loves to go hiking (if it is not too hot of course). Erin enjoys spending time dining out, swimming, gardening, and loving on her “two fat kitty cats” Bean and Toby. She has a passion for music, particularly when she can experience it performed live. Flowers will make her deliriously happy, but learning about and appreciating other people’s passions move her through the world.

We’re grateful for our amazing team members at Tilton’s Therapy! Thank you Erin for your dedication and hard work. We look forward to your continued support for the communities throughout Las Vegas to engage in purposeful and meaningful occupations!

Looking for more information about how we can help? Contact us to learn more and ask questions about the mental health services we can provide for you or a loved one. Check out our pediatric division at Tilton’s Therapy for Tots to learn more about care for ages 0-22.


Therapist Feature: Arian Wiesen, OT