Self-Awareness Check-In Cards

Anyone can benefit from the practice of checking in with self-awareness by asking questions to help you look at yourself and life events to reflect. This activity is designed to help promote and enhance self-esteem and confidence.

  1. Print out the template for the self-awareness check-in cards and cut them out.

    Available for download in our app!

  2. Once you have your cards ready to go, draw a card or read through the card prompts and select one that resonates with you.

  3. Using the question on the card as your guide, write down a few specific thoughts and answers on the backside (alternatively, keep a notebook and simply use the cards as your prompts).

  4. Use as many card prompts as you like to help you understand some things you can do you can take to reach goals, create something new in your life, or take steps toward specific changes.

  5. As much as possible, try to include specific actions and a timeline.

  6. Once you have your plan, take action! Start working towards your goals and keep track of your progress by completing another self-awareness check-in later.

This activity promotes self-awareness, goal-setting, and problem-solving, all important areas of a therapeutic practice.


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