Wellness Warrior Challenge

Transform your wellness journey with this 30-day habit tracker, designed to incorporate various aspects of physical, mental, and emotional well-being into your daily routine.

How to Use the Wellness Warrior Challenge Prompts + Habit Tracker:

  1. Print out the habit tracker sheet.

  2. Each day, choose one wellness activity from the list to complete.

  3. After completing the activity, mark it off on your tracker or draw something in the space for that day to represent your activity.

  4. Aim to complete at least one activity every day for 30 days.

  5. At the end of the month, reflect on your progress and how these activities have impacted your overall well-being.

This 30-day Wellness Warrior Challenge Tracker helps you create a personal habit-building tool that is perfect for individual use or as part of a workplace wellness program.


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