Mindfulness During the Holidays

As each year comes to a close, we begin thinking about the possibilities for the new year and what we want to achieve or experience. One fulfilling and helpful practice to start the new year in the best way possible is a mindfulness practice. During the holidays, we can get stressed and busy with so much to finish or prepare before the end of the year. Taking the time to be mindful and refocus on the positive aspects of your past year is a great way to help you cope with anxiety, loneliness, and remember what makes you feel gratitude. Here are a few ways you can be mindful this season and begin the new year with positivity. 

Gratitude Reflection

As simple as it may be, taking the time to make a list of the things you are thankful for can help you see the things you care about more clearly. You can begin practicing gratitude in so many different ways. For many people, having a daily habit of writing down what they are grateful for can be an easy to maintain and helpful practice to keep. It allows you to have something to reflect upon during difficult moments as well as provides a daily practice of focusing on the positive. 


The stress has been heightened this year, with many people feeling anxious and impatient. While waiting in line or in moments of stillness, practicing meditation can help ease the tension you may be feeling. The holiday season can too often be the source of added stress. Making sure you have moments of meditation throughout your day can help improve your focus and your mood. 

Plan the Season

How do you want to spend your holiday season? Do you have anything that you want to make sure you focus on or avoid? Consider how you want to spend your time during the season. Planning your intentions with this time helps you keep your priorities in mind. 

Break Patterns

Although you may be used to certain activities or habits during the holiday season, consider what patterns you may want to change or eliminate. If you often become exhausted after the holidays, you might look for ways you can alter your plans to get more sleep or commit to fewer plans. 

Time to Relax

Everyone needs a break from their stresses and commitments, and during the holiday season, it is important to take time to do nothing. Letting yourself relax and unwind is important for your health in so many ways. Although you may have a lot of commitments or obligations, put some time to relax on your schedule and stick to it.

Bring Compassion

All of us have gone through a different year from one another and a mindful practice to remember during this season is to bring compassion to your relationships and interactions. Providing a compassionate ear to a friend or family member and just being present in listening is sometimes all that is needed. Tensions can arise and conflict can happen during the holidays, so practicing compassion can always help. 

Savor the Season

Although practicing moderation is key, enjoying your favorite holiday sweets can be a positive and mindful practice for your season. Many of us will overindulge and end up feeling guilty as a result. If you are mindful of what you are consuming or how much you are indulging, you can feel good about savoring those treats.

Avoid Judgment

It is easy to become upset with yourself for not getting enough done or “failing” at something you had planned, but be mindful of judging yourself in this way. Remember this when you are looking back and reflecting on the past year. Try not to focus on judging what was wrong or what was not positive. Start with practicing mindfulness of those feelings of judgment as they arise. 

Enjoy the Holiday

It can be so easy to get bogged down with the to-do lists and activities during the season and miss some of the magic moments along the way. Being present in each moment can help you recognize some of these moments and create more joyful memories during this time. Start by considering the parts of the holiday season that you most enjoy. Plan these things ahead of time, but when the time comes for your favorite activities, enjoy them! Let yourself have fun, feel positive, and be joyful in these special moments.


Mindfulness Activities

There are so many ways you can practice mindfulness during the holiday season and throughout your year. Check out some of our Therapy Tune-Ups, where we focus on mindfulness practices and ways you can exercise or “tune-up” your health in a fun way. 

Here are a few activities and free downloads you can do at home to practice mindfulness:

Sleep Hygiene Cards: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/therapy-tune-up-sleep-hygiene-cards

Mindful Mosaic Tiles: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/therapy-tune-up-mosiac-tiles

Mindfulness Beads: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/mindfulness-beads

Stress Management Coloring Pages: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/stress-management-coloring-pages

Neck Pain & Tension Relief: https://tiltonstherapy.com/resources/therapy-tune-up-neck-pain-tension-relief

View All Therapy Tune-Ups

Mindfulness helps you to be more aware of things in the present moment. Practicing mindfulness every day helps you to reduce stress and anxiety while also potentially benefitting other areas of your life and relationships. We’ve all been through a stressful and difficult year, so this practice is needed now more than other holiday seasons. Make sure to share your mindfulness practice with your loved ones. Engage in gratitude and focus on being conscious of the things for which we can be grateful to ring in the new year in a mindful way.

Additional Resources:





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