Therapy Tune-Up: Health & Wellness Challenge

For this month’s Therapy Tune-Up, we are introducing a health and wellness challenge! It is easy to participate and easy to make progress.

The challenge is: Spend (at least) 10 minutes per day moving your body!

If you can move for longer than that, like going for a walk, a hike, a run, a bike ride, or anything you prefer, that’s great! If you don’t already have an exercise routine or fitness regiment, then start off with focusing on physical activity for 10 minutes per day to get things going.

Track your progress and achievement on our habit tracker!

Fill in one of the weights for each day you moved for 10 minutes or more.

Print one out for every member of the family so you can all join in on the challenge and help motivate each other.


Therapy Tune-Up: Jigsaw Puzzles


Therapy Tune-Up: Origami Folding