Balloon Volleyball

Play this simple game you can set up at home to improve balance, strength, range of motion, and hand-eye coordination. All ages can play!

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You’ll need:

  • Inflatable balloons (2 or more)

  • A large, open space

  • Optional: chairs, an exercise ball, or a lightweight plastic bat


  1. Set up the activity area: Clear a large, open space so that participants can safely move and play without obstacles. This can be indoors or outdoors, depending on the available space and weather conditions.

  2. Inflate the balloons: Inflate two or more balloons so that they are easy to hit, but not too tight or difficult to control.

  3. Play the game: Invite participants to stand or sit (using chairs or an exercise ball for added core engagement) and hit the balloon to each other, attempting to keep it up in the air as long as possible without letting it touch the ground.

  4. Observe how everyone playing uses their balance, strength, range of motion, and hand-eye coordination to successfully play balloon volleyball.


  • Introduce lightweight plastic bats for participants to use, which can help in engaging different muscle groups and improving bilateral coordination.

  • Set up a "net" using a string or a piece of tape, and have participants practice hitting the balloon over the net.


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