Healthy Aging Month

Healthy aging month takes place in the month of September every year. During this month, we aim to help raise awareness about living a healthy lifestyle so more individuals can look forward to growing older. During the past year, all of us, and particularly our elder population have faced unexpected challenges. It is important now, more than ever, that we address and take a proactive approach to aging. We can help those we love to learn how to live in a healthier way and in turn, live with more vitality and zest for life into older age. Learn about how you or individuals in your life can remain healthier as time progresses.


Disease and Aging

As we continue to fight COVID-19, we learn more about what factors and disorders make individuals more at risk of developing severe disease from the virus. Many of the factors that present a high risk for illness are preventable. For instance, obesity, type 2 diabetes, or kidney disease may be preventable with changes to lifestyle. Many individuals of advanced age have developed other illnesses such as cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or heart conditions. Changes to an individual’s lifestyle which can have a positive impact could reduce the risk of these kinds of diseases later in life. 

Elements of Healthy Aging

Mental Health

Although it is easy to look to maintain the physical health of our body as we age, maintaining our mental health is just as important. The pandemic has introduced challenges that some individuals have not yet encountered such as isolation and lack of socialization. These changes can take a toll on the state of our mental health if we do not address them. Increasing anxiety and social isolation should not become the new normal. Focus on mental health as a part of healthy aging by engaging with individuals you love and trust to support you in times of need. Be open with those individuals and speak to them about how you are feeling. A strong support system can support you throughout your lifetime. Although at times it is not ideal, setting up a video session online to gather with a few special people can help you better reconnect and feel supported while helping others feel supported at the same time.


With all of the options available to us today, it is easy to take a hands-off approach to our diet. Prepared meals and delivery are accessible in so many cities, it can make it difficult to feel motivated to cook at home. However, processed foods and food from restaurants can add unwanted ingredients to your diet and contribute to bad health over time. Focusing on making sure you are eating portions from different food groups in each meal helps you make progress toward good nutrition. Include the main three groups in each meal: vegetable, starch, and protein. From there, you’ll find the options are limitless, but some foods contain even more nutrition benefits overall. Leafy greens and dark green vegetables are a great choice, as well as lean meats, whole grains, and seafood. It is always a good idea to avoid added sugars and processed meats, such as lunch meat. One fun way to think about incorporating more nutritious foods into your diet is to remember to eat the rainbow! The more colors included in your meal the better. 


Most of us are aware that in order to maintain proper health, we need to ensure we keep our bodies active. Particularly during the past year, getting regular exercise has been difficult for some, especially for those who work from home. It is important to try to set goals related to exercise and develop a routine around them. The best way to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine is to engage in things you enjoy. So many options exist to take classes online, use habit trackers to stick to your routine, or just engage the outdoors and take walks around your neighborhood or a local park. Sometimes it can be encouraging just to buy yourself something new to engage in physical fitness, such as new workout clothes or a new yoga mat. 

Above all, it is important to simply do your best. Your goal should never focus on perfection, but instead, on practice. If something doesn’t appeal to you anymore, you can make a change. Feeling your best and finding joy in your daily routine can go a long way to help your mind and body age gracefully and in good health. Committing to these practices throughout your life will lead to a healthier future and may prevent illnesses such as dementia, heart disease, and organ failure. If you are unsure about where to begin on your journey toward healthy aging, speak to your healthcare professionals or a nutritionist to help you understand how to get started. 

You can find a variety of activities and exercises to help you check in on your therapeutic practice in our resources. Engage in practices to help work on memory or get new ideas for ways to strengthen your body at any age or with any ability. 

Related Resources:

Alzheimer’s Awareness: 

Therapy Tune-Up: Memory Exercises: 

Therapy Tune-Up: Mindful Eating Exercise: 

Mental Health Awareness: 

Therapy Tune-Up: Memoir Writing for Mental Health: 

Therapy Tune-Up: Macrame Wall Hanging: 

Go on a Nature Walk:

Cervical Health Awareness:

Additional Resources: 


Blood Cancer Awareness


Alzheimer's Awareness