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Therapist Feature: Heather Karchefski, SLP

Our featured team member this month is Heather Karchefski, Speech-Language Pathologist.

Heather graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2017. She has been practicing in pediatrics since graduating four years ago and in outpatient pediatrics for three years. Heather was originally drawn to the profession after working as a nanny to a child who has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

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Company News Moon Bloom Company News Moon Bloom

Therapist Feature: Theresa Grimes, SLP

This month we are featuring one of our amazing speech-language pathologists, Theresa Grimes! Theresa has always loved children and knew she had a passion for helping others. The career path of speech therapy was the perfect fit and she has been working as a speech-language pathologist since 2001.

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Company News Moon Bloom Company News Moon Bloom

Team Feature: Tina Walker

This month, we are highlighting one of our amazing team members, Tina Walker!

Beginning in January 2020, Tina joined the administration team part time. Once the adult market in Southern Nevada and the Northern Nevada market began to grow, Tina took on a full time role with Tilton’s Therapy. The aspect she enjoys most about her job is the flexibility and the ability to work from home.

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Company News Moon Bloom Company News Moon Bloom

2021 Vision Statement

As I began to prepare Tilton’s Therapy vision statement for 2021 I must not forget about how our incredible team of therapists and administrative team allowed for continuation of outstanding and quality therapy services for all of the individuals to whom we provide therapy services. This is solely due to the adaptation and dedication of Tilton’s Therapy team and our lovely clients.

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Company News Moon Bloom Company News Moon Bloom

Therapist Feature: Geoffrey Shih, OT

For this month’s featured member of the Tilton’s Team, we are highlighting Geoffrey Shih, OT! Geoffrey has been working as an occupational therapist since 2018 both in pediatrics and mental health with his focus primarily on adult mental health diagnoses such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, or depression.

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Company News Moon Bloom Company News Moon Bloom

Therapist Feature: Kim Koch, SLP

Our featured therapist for this month is one of our wonderful speech-language pathologists, Kim Koch! Kim has working in this industry or a similar position for the past 27 years. Originally, she was drawn to the profession through a friend. Kim’s best friend’s sister was an SLP and she used to tell her about the kids and adults she had the opportunity to treat. After hearing these stories, Kim thought the occupation sounded interesting.

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Company News Moon Bloom Company News Moon Bloom

Therapist Feature: Erin Oelklaus, PT

This month, we are featuring a wonderful team member and Physical Therapist - Erin Oelklaus. Erin worked with Tilton’s Therapy for a little over two years before starting travel therapy for the past year and a half. We’re so glad to have Erin back on the team and assisting us in getting started in the Oregon region.

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Company News Moon Bloom Company News Moon Bloom

Therapist Feature: Lisa Costa , OT

This month’s featured team member at Tilton’s Therapy is Lisa Costa, OT!

Lisa has worked in Occupational Therapy for 11 years. During the first eight years of her career, Lisa worked with pediatrics, specifically early intervention and outpatient pediatrics with a specialty in Hippotherapy (horse-assisted therapy).

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Company News, Articles Moon Bloom Company News, Articles Moon Bloom

Therapist Feature: Arian Wiesen, OT

This month we are featuring new grad and occupational therapist, Arian Wiesen. Arian joined Tilton’s Therapy after obtaining her state licensure and has worked for the company for about 4 months. She is enjoying the work and the people she interacts with throughout the day. (I’d say this is a great start to her first occupational therapy job).

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